DJ Drama Interviews Lil Wayne (Regarding “Fuck Mixtape DJ’s” issue)

Weasel clears up the “Fuck Mixtape DJ’s” comment on DJ Drama’s radio station.

LMFAO @ “Please do not feel differently after you hear me on this radio, I want you to still feel fuck me, I want you to still feel fuck that nigga, cause when you see me in the streets that’s what I want it to be and I’ma bite your fucking face off.”

You Know What (N.E.R.D. Cover) – Res

Res of Idle Warship (Res and Kweli) does a cover of whats to be used on N.E.R.D.’s upcoming LP Seeing Sounds a track called You Know What, If you downloaded those Seeing Sounds snippets I dropped yesterday then you would recognize the hook. Check them out if you haven’t already!

You Know What (N.E.R.D. Cover) – Res

Shouts to Shakezilla

This makes me want Seeing Sounds even more… GO GET THAT ON JUNE 10TH.